
Monday, September 30, 2019

Differentiation in the Classroom

Differentiation in the Classroom Brittany Hunt University of Toledo Differentiated instruction in the classroom can be beneficially for every child’s needs to learn to their best ability. Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. Whether teachers differentiate content, process, products, or the learning environment, the use of ongoing assessment and flexible grouping makes this a successful approach to instruction. No student learns the same and differentiation is helping each student grow and succeed by meeting each individual needs.Whenever a teacher reaches out to an individual or a small group to change his or his teaching to create the best learning experience possible, that teacher is differentiating the instruction for the student(s). Four characteristics shape teaching and learning in an effective differentiated classroom (Tomlinson, 1995a): 1. ) Instruction is concept focused and principle driven. All students have the opportunity to explor e and apply the key concepts of the subject being studied. All students come to understand the key principles on which the study is based.Such instruction enables struggling learners to grasp and use powerful ideas and, at the same time, encourages advanced learners to expand their understanding and application of the key concepts and principles. Such instruction stresses understanding or sense-making rather than retention and regurgitation of fragmented bits of information. Concept-based and principle-driven instruction invites teachers to provide varied learning options. A â€Å"coverage-based† curriculum may cause a teacher to feel compelled to see that all students do the same work. Related article: Cda Competency Goal # 1In the former, all students have the opportunity to explore meaningful ideas through a variety of avenues and approaches. 2. ) Ongoing assessment of student readiness and growth are built into the curriculum. Teachers do not assume that all students need a given task or segment of study, but continuously assess student readiness and interest, providing support when students need additional instruction and guidance, and extending student exploration when indications are that a student or group of students is ready to move ahead. 3. ) Flexible grouping is consistently used. In a differentiated class, students work in many patterns. Sometimes hey work alone, sometimes in pairs, sometimes in groups. Sometimes tasks are readiness-based, sometimes interest-based, sometimes constructed to match learning style, and sometimes a combination of readiness, interest, and learning style. In a differentiated classroom, whole-group instruction may also be used for introducing new ideas, when planning, and for sharing learning outcomes. 4. ) Students are active explorers. Teachers guide the exploration. Because varied activities often occur simultaneously in a differentiated classroom, the teacher works more as a guide or facilitator of learning than as a dispenser of information.As in a large family, students must learn to be responsible for their own work. Not only does such student-centeredness give students more ownership of their learning, but it also facilitates the important adolescent learning goal of growing independence in thought, planning, and evaluation. Implicit in such instruction is (1) goal-setting shared by teacher and student based on student readiness, interest, and learning profile, and (2) assessment predicated on student growth and goal attainment.Teachers can differentiate at least four classroom elements based on student readiness, interest, or learning profile: * Content- what the student needs to learn or how th e student will get access to the information; * Process- activities in which the student engages in order to make sense of or master the content; * Products- culminating projects that ask the student to rehearse, apply, and extend what he or she has learned in a unit; and * Learning environment- the way the classroom works and feels.Examples of differentiating content at the elementary level include the following: using reading materials at varying readability levels; putting text materials on tape; using spelling or vocabulary lists at readiness levels of students; presenting ideas through both auditory and visual means; using reading buddies; and meeting with small groups to re-teach an idea or skill for struggling learners, or to extend the thinking or skills of advanced learners. Several elements and materials are used to support instructional content. These include acts, concepts, generalizations or principles, attitudes, and skills.The variation seen in a differentiated classr oom is most frequently in the manner in which students gain access to important learning. Access to the content is seen as key. Align tasks and objectives to learning goals: designers of differentiated instruction view the alignment of tasks with instructional goals and objectives as essential. Goals are most frequently assessed by many state-level, high-stakes tests and frequently administered standardized measures. Objectives are frequently written in incremental steps resulting in a continuum of skills-building tasks.An objectives-driven menu makes it easier to find the next instructional step for learners entering at varying levels. Differentiated instruction should be concept-focused and principle-driven. The instructional concepts should be broad-based, not focused on minute details or unlimited facts. Teachers must focus on the concepts, principles and skills that students should learn. The content of instruction should address the same concepts with all students, but the deg ree of complexity should be adjusted to suit diverse learners. Some examples of differentiating process or activities at the elementary level include the following: 1.Using tiered activities through which all learners work with the same important understandings and skills, but proceed with different levels of support, challenge, or complexity; 2. Providing interest centers that encourage students to explore subsets of the class topic of particular interest to them; 3. Developing personal agendas (task lists written by the teacher and containing both in-common work for the whole class and work that addresses individual needs of learners) to be completed either during specified agenda time or as students complete other work early; 4.Offering manipulative’s or other hands-on supports for students who need them; and 5. Varying the length of time a student may take to complete a task in order to provide additional support for a struggling learner or to encourage an advanced learne r to pursue a topic in greater depth. Samples of differentiating products at the elementary level include: giving students options of how to express required learning (e. g. create a puppet show, write a letter, or develop a mural with labels); using rubrics that match and extend students' varied skills levels; allowing students to work alone or in small groups on their products; and encouraging students to create their own product assignments as long as the assignments contain required elements. Items to which students respond may be differentiated so that different students can demonstrate or express their knowledge and understanding in different ways. A well-designed student product allows varied means of expression and alternative procedures and offers varying degrees of difficulty, types of valuation, and scoring. Examples of differentiating the learning environment at the elementary level include: 1. Making sure there are places in the room to work quietly and without distract ion, as well as places that invite student collaboration; 2. Providing materials that reflect a variety of cultures and home settings; 3. Setting out clear guidelines for independent work that matches individual needs; 4. Developing routines that allow students to get help when teachers are busy with other students and cannot help them immediately; and 5.Helping students understand that some learners need to move around to learn, while others do better sitting quietly (Tomlinson, 1995, 1999; Winebrenner, 1992, 1996). Characteristics of a differentiated classroom likely to be responsive to the needs of gifted (and other academically diverse) students are the following: * Teacher sensitivity to the varying needs of learners; * On-going assessment of student progress and modification of instruction based on assessment data; * Multiple learning options at a given time on many occasions; * Variable pacing; Respectful (interesting, important) tasks for all learners; * Use of flexible grou ping (balancing like-readiness grouping, mixed-readiness grouping, grouping by interest, random grouping, whole class instruction, and individual/independent work); * Teacher use of a variety of instructional strategies (learning contracts, compacting, group investigation, complex instruction, interest centers, learning centers, tiered lessons, tiered products, graduated rubrics) that invite varying students to learn in a variety of ways; * Varied modes of assessment likely to give students maximum opportunity to demonstrate knowledge, understanding, and skill; and * Grading based, at least in significant measure, on student growth rather than in comparison to one another or to an absolute scale (Tomlinson, 1995a). Additional guidelines that make differentiation possible for teachers to attain is key to having a successful differentiated classroom, this includes: * Clarify key concepts and generalizations. Ensure that all learners gain powerful understandings that can serve as the f oundation for future learning. Teachers are encouraged to identify essential concepts and instructional foci to ensure that all learners comprehend. * Use assessment as a teaching tool to extend rather than merely measure instruction.Assessment should occur before, during, and following the instructional episode, and it should be used to help pose questions regarding student needs and optimal learning. * Emphasize critical and creative thinking as a goal in lesson design. The tasks, activities, and procedures for students should require that they understand and apply meaning. Instruction may require supports, additional motivation, varied tasks, materials, or equipment for different students in the classroom. * Engaging all learners is essential! Teachers are encouraged to strive for the development of lessons that are engaging and motivating for a diverse class of students.Vary tasks within instruction as well as across students. In other words, an entire session for students shoul d not consist of all drill and practice, or any single structure or activity. * Provide a balance between teacher-assigned and student-selected tasks. A balanced working structure is optimal in a differentiated classroom. Based on pre-assessment information, the balance will vary from class-to-class as well as lesson-to-lesson. Teachers should ensure that students have choices in their learning. Most classrooms employ single-size instruction. Thus, moving toward differentiated instruction requires considerable change on the part of teachers.Changing habits or patterns of teaching in busy and pressure-laden classrooms is difficult and stressful. Teachers who are helped to understand specific benefits to students and to themselves of differentiated instruction may be more willing to risk the change than those who are not assisted in developing a solid rationale for change, or those who are mandated to change rather than assisted in doing so. The design and development of differentiate d instruction as a model began in the general education classroom. The initial application came to practice for students considered gifted but whom perhaps were not sufficiently challenged by the content provided in the general classroom setting.As classrooms have become more diverse, differentiated instruction has been applied at all levels for students of all abilities. Many authors of publications about differentiated instruction, strongly recommend that teachers adapt the practices slowly, perhaps one content area at a time. Additionally, these experts agree that teachers should share the creative load by working together to develop ideas and menus of options for students. Differentiated instruction is an instructional process that has excellent potential to positively impact learning by offering teachers a means to provide instruction to a range of students in today's classroom situations.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Technology vs. Values & Environment

Technology is what governs the aspect of being judged as a developed nation or country. To determine the effect that technology has on the true evolution of a society needs to be considered from two angles. First and foremost technological innovation is what brings about progress. Technological advancements take place when a society needs to make their living more comfortable and safe. This brings up the other point handling technology, the second aspect. Mans needs and wants are rarely distinguishable. It happens quite often that man cannot outline his basic needs and requirements due to which the technology developed are not in sync with their values and cultures. Technological advancements affect all three spheres of a society- social, political & economical. Therefore over-indulgence in technological progress will indeed lead to the neglect of social, economic and political values. Excess of everything is bad. To begin with technological progress is extremely costly and requires a very large investment. Large investments in this field would require the fiscal resources allotted to education and removal of poverty in developing nations especially to be decreased. An example of this scenario is the Indian National Congress. The INC made the nuclear deal with the USA. Despite the help being provided by the USA, India will still have to make large investments in setting up large nuclear plants & equipment. Such investments will be made in the light, that even today majority of the population is illiterate and lives below the poverty line. Apart from people, persistent technological development poses a grave threat to environment. The present situation of global warming is completely attributed to mindless technological development. The extensive power consumption by factories in the USA is a matter of great contention in the United Nations, as it is a major contributor to global warming. Technology empowers us, true. But with great power, comes great responsibility!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Post revolution cinema in Soviet Union Dissertation

Post revolution cinema in Soviet Union - Dissertation Example Soviet cinema in the twentieth century and beyond is particularly important because film reaches far more people than other literary and narrative forms. In 1917 Russia, this was more important than at any other time during the 20th century. In 1917, Russia’s large expanse was comprised of a people of diverse cultures and languages and with different economic, social and political statuses. A majority of the population was illiterate with little, if any political participation. Communications were limited since newspapers and books were useless to a predominantly illiterate population. It is therefore hardly surprising that the Bolsheviks would immediately grasp the potential for cinema to communicate with the masses. In 1919, the film industry was nationalized, given expression to the Bolsheviks’ efforts to control ideology and culture. This fact together with the chaos of the Civil War forced talented filmmakers to flee. When the war ended and the economy improved und er the New Economic Policy, theatres houses began to open up around the country and new film producers began to rejuvenate the film industry in the Soviet Union. However, this period of creativity ended when Stalin intervened in 1928. Socialist Realism commanded that the films were produced for the masses. Thus Soviet cinema â€Å"entered a new and terrible phase in its history†. ... films provide information both on a conscious and an unconscious level, Soviet cinema both before, during and after the revolution is a valuable source of raw evidence of the socio-political experiences of the Soviet Union in the period preceding the revolution, during the revolution and more especially after the revolution. Soviet cinema in the twentieth century and beyond is particularly important because film reaches far more people than other literary and narrative forms. In 1917 Russia, this was more important than at any other time during the 20th century. In 1917, Russia’s large expanse was comprised of a people of diverse cultures and languages and with different economic, social and political statuses. A majority of the population was illiterate with little, if any political participation. Communications were limited since newspapers and books were useless to a predominantly illiterate population. It is therefore hardly surprising that the Bolsheviks would immediately grasp the potential for cinema to communicate with the masses.2 In 1919, the film industry was nationalized, given expression to the Bolsheviks’ efforts to control ideology and culture. This fact together with the chaos of the Civil War forced talented filmmakers to flee. When the war ended and the economy improved under the New Economic Policy, theatres houses began to open up around the country and new film producers began to rejuvenate the film industry in the Soviet Union. However, this period of creativity ended when Stalin intervened in 1928. Socialist Realism commanded that the films were produced for the masses. Thus Soviet cinema â€Å"entered a new and terrible phase in its history†.3 It is alleged that Lenin declared that â€Å"of all the arts† in the Soviet Union, â€Å"cinema is the

Friday, September 27, 2019

American Psychological Associations Ethical Principles of Essay

American Psychological Associations Ethical Principles of Psychologists AND CODE OF CONDUCT - Essay Example etency in services and human relations, privacy and confidentiality of the patients, promoting the right advertising and public statements, documentation procedures, designing appropriate education and training programs, carrying out approved research studies and publication, following standards in assessment and providing the right therapy to patients. The importance of obtaining informed consent while providing therapeutic services, counseling and consultation to patients has been stressed in many instances throughout the code of conduct as it is extremely vital for patients to know what kind of services are being offered to them. These informed consents are generally provided as a written format and in languages understood by the patient in simple words. When the patient is unable to provide consent the psychologists will have to take appropriate steps to explain the procedure to the patient or in cases where consent from any other authorized person is permitted it shall be obtain ed. In case of therapeutic treatments, the psychologists should inform the patient well in advance about the treatment modality, fees, involvement of a third party, confidentiality and clarify any other questions put forth by the patient. As it is a therapeutic intervention, the risks and alternative treatment present should be included in the consent. If the treatment is handled by a trainee who will be supervised by a supervisor, the informed consent should include both their names. In case the therapy is to be afforded to families or groups of patients, the psychologists should clarify the roles and responsibilities of all involved. In case of patients who are receiving treatment elsewhere the treatment issues and patient’s welfare should be discussed clearly by the psychologists in order to avoid confusions. Psychologists should not be sexually involved with the patient or any of their relatives and should not accept previous sexual partners as their patients or clients d uring the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Minority Shareholders Proprietary Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Minority Shareholders Proprietary Rights - Essay Example As in the case of Gambotto in Australia, in a number of cases, the courts have taken cognizance to the fact that even if the plaintiff does not request for the two tests, the courts may and can subject the amendment to these tests and see to their fitment to the same. Failing which in either of the cases, the amendments may be nullified. The proprietary rights of the shareholders have to be upheld but not at the cost of the company according to the British Law, in contrast to the Australian perception of the matter. Exercising of the majority powers by the shareholders of a company is pretty rampant in the country. It is with utmost care and interest that the courts need to implement these laws so that the suppression of the shareholding minorities is protected and at the same time, the objectives of the company are not diluted. However, the point raised in the indicated quote is to ensure that the interest of both the minorities and that of the company should also be protected. In the name of protecting the interest of the minorities, the company should not be ending up as a loser in the game thereby, bringing down the interests of the rest of the shareholders of the company. In order to understand this, the idea of proprietary rights being protected has to be analyzed. Proprietary rights in most cases have been the ownership rights or the right to own. In cases related to owning land or building there had not been contentions on the proprietary rights of a person and what is offered to one person is same as the other one3. Whereas in the case of shareholder proprietary rights, the minority shareholders rights might be different from what the majority shareholder might have. The association of the company could be for one simple reason that of the company making more profits or as high a profit as is legitimately possible.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Family and children's issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Family and children's issues - Essay Example Some of the countries that had deemed spanking as illegal are Denmark, Sweden, Germany, and New Zealand to mention a few (Legal Reforms). Professional organizations also oppose to spanking as a way to discipline a child; one of these organizations is the American Psychological Association (Corporal Punishment). They argue that resorting to physical punishment would not discipline a child but would instead teach the child to instill authority by physical means. In some parts of these countries and organizations’ argument, it is agreeable that other people should not do the spanking because the parents are the only ones who should spank their children. However, this does not give parents freedom to hurt their child whenever the child makes a mistake. The psychological state and values of the parents are a big factor and should be greatly considered in this issue. The state and the organizations should have first considered teaching parents how to be responsible instead of instan tly prohibiting this way of disciplining a child. It can be stated then that guarding responsible parenthood should have been the first matter that these countries had looked into. Responsible parenthood should be also be approached first for further studies and development by these professional organizations since it is the behavior of the parents first that should be controlled. After all, the parents are the immediate adults the children interact with and not the people from the state or from the research

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Al Nakheel Blue Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Al Nakheel Blue Community - Essay Example The Blue Community intends to create awareness for the need to develop the coastal waterfront involving in the process along with Nakheel's own experience and expertise, NGOs, think tanks and stakeholders encouraging them to be active instruments of their Blue Community initiatives. The question may arise as to why Nakheel is aiming to promote the Blue Community. According to Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem, Executive Chairman of the company, "Almost two thirds of the world's population lives in coastal communities and a large amount of development is taking place in these locations" (UAE Press Release, January 20, 2008). The company intends to invest significantly to bring about changes in these environments through research and development with the vision of becoming leaders in sustainable development of coastal communities through its Blue Community initiatives. Formed in 2001, Nakheel can be considered pioneer and frontrunner in the domain of construction of innovative and iconic buildings and landmarks. As regards waterfront development, with the launch of the Blue Community, they have become setters of standards and rules in this field for the others to emulate. The Blue Community launch event held on a dome specially constructed for the purpose on the beachfront by the Palm Jumeirah was attended by prominent figures from government, industry and media. It went with the first ever Tourism Development Project & Investment Market (TDIM) event of Dubai held between January 20-22, 2008. The stand that Nakheel put up for the event, the largest in the company's history, featured two massive domes for displaying all the waterfront development projects undertaken by the company. This included a model of Dubai Promenade allowing the visitors a look at this waterfront community. Dubai Promenade created "a virtual peninsula along the emirate's shor eline, anchored by a spectacular wheel-shaped five-star hotel" (www.nakheel.com). At the TDIM exhibition, a 13-meter long scale model was unveiled by Nakheel demonstrating the company's vision of Dubai's growth through development of waterfront with projects under Blue Community. Before we venture further into the "Blue Project", let us look at the characteristics of the construction industry in the UAE. With the transformation from a buyers' market to a sellers' market, over the last decade there has been a boom in the UAE construction industry. This construction boom is most visible at Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Going by per capita expenditure on construction, UAE is the world leader with presence of close to 6000 construction companies. The total value of the UAE construction industry for 2008 has been assessed at USD15.26 bi as per a Business Monitor International Report which is projected to go up to USD22.44bi by 2012. 3 There are various reasons behind this tremendous growth. Not much entry barrier is there to hinder the UAE construction industry. Rather there exist major driving forces in Dubai like a stable political climate, tax-free status and on the whole a liberal business environment to facilitate expansion of the industry. Further impetus to construction indu

Monday, September 23, 2019

Freedom of Expression in the Workplace Case Study

Freedom of Expression in the Workplace - Case Study Example .This, however, does not mean that there is no adequate protection for employees. The Anti-discrimination laws provide for a level of protection for certain types of expression made in a workplace setting, which is not necessarily a First Amendment right (Sutherland, 1). Despite these laws, there is still a problem as to the amount of power that employers hold as regards the freedom of expression or expressive activities of employees which may hinder employees’ rights (Whitaker, 1). To address this problem, Bruce Barry in his book entitled â€Å"Speechless,† suggests that there must be changes made as to the laws and to management practice that would expand or develop the expressive rights of employees without however jeopardizing or compromising the interests of the employer (Barry, 1). Businesses should also have a code of conduct where there should be respect for expressive activities of employees, which may pertain to respect for an employee’s religion or expressions which tend to discriminate or harass a person’s race or sex (Whitaker, 1). In order to ensure the free expression of workers without however jeopardizing employer’s interests, there must be some monitoring.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Death of a salesman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Death of a salesman - Essay Example After the accident and constant nagging by his wife Linda about his condition, he finally decides to confront his boss about allowing him to work from home but this was never to be. His boss just as expected of people in higher authoritative positions refuses and even implies that he does not want the job and is using the accident as an excuse. This leads him to being fired and he returns home having lost what seems to be an opportunity for a brighter and better future. As for Biff, his dream is also going down the drain as his former employer seems to have lost any recollection of him ever working there. He has gone to the office to provide business proposition ideas which are evident of the fresh mind of many young American people but they are turned down killing his spirit. Even though his intentions are not purely personal (as he seeks to appease his father which is typical of young men to their fathers or role models), he is still trying to make an effort towards bettering his future and becoming useful positive contributor in society. What is so bad is the fact that it seems that it is only their family that seems to have problems. This is evident where Willy meets Bernard his neighbor’s son who seems to be successful in his career as a lawyer. This not only angers him and makes him feel humiliated but also feels that his sons are losers which ultimately lead to a confrontation not only from their father but their mother as well. The father carries big dreams for his children and especially his son Biff (which is evident from his flashback) and he seems to still hold to them and assume the present situation where his son has achieved nothing and is even a petty thief. It is this frustration that makes Biff and Willy confront each other some more as he tries to make him be realistic and let go of these dreams he still holds dear and which are now even participating in his detrimental state of mind. The play closes with Willy showing love to

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Scope of Practice for Regisers Nurses Essay Example for Free

Scope of Practice for Regisers Nurses Essay The Regulation states that registrants of CRNBC may practise nursing. Nursing is defined as the health profession in which a person provides the following services: †¢ Health care for promoting, maintaining and restoring health †¢ Prevention, treatment and palliation of illness and injury, primarily by assessing health status, planning and implementing interventions, and coordinating health services This definition does not refer to evaluation, but neither does it exclude it. Evaluation is, of course, an important part of nursing practice. The Regulation does not refer to education, administration and research in the scope of practice statement for nurses or any other health professionals in B. C. However, CRNBC’s Professional Standards make it clear that clinical practice, education, administration and research are all considered part of the practice of registered nursing. College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia 5 Scope of Practice

Friday, September 20, 2019

Social Identity Theory And Self Categorisation Theory Sociology Essay

Social Identity Theory And Self Categorisation Theory Sociology Essay Social Identity Theory was established by Tajfel and Turner with the aim of trying to understand the psychological basis of intergroup discrimination. Tajfel and Turner (1979) tried to identify conditions which would lead members of a specific social group to behave in a biased matter towards an out-group, in favour of the in-group which they were a member of. It is seen as a discursive approach. The main principle of Social Identity Theory is that people often categorise and define themselves and others into a number of different social groups and strive to have their group valued more highly than other groups (Tajfel Turner, 1985). Consistent with Tajfel and Turners (1985) claim, it is believed, by other psychologists, that social identities are formed to boost self-esteem and encourage a sense of certainty (McGregor, Reeshama and So-Jin, 2008). To explain the phenomenon of how individuals evaluate themselves and others as part of an in-group or an out-group, Social Identity Theor y identifies three mental concepts: social categorisation, social identification and social comparison (TaÃ…Å ¸demir, 2011). Social categorisation relates to individuals assigning people to social categories in order to understand and identify them (Tajfel Turner, 1979). This results in the world being divided into them and us, or an in-group and an out-group. In the second concept, social identification, people adopt the identity of the social group they have categorised themselves into. This also involves developing an emotional attachment to ones identification with the group and self-esteem will be closely linked to group membership (Tajfel Turner, 1979). The final concept, social comparison, relates to an individual comparing the group they identify with with other groups. To retain ones self-esteem, their group must be viewed in a more positive light than other groups (Tajfel Turner, 1979). Several psychological studies have supported the fact that individuals create so cial categories in order to boost self-esteem. An example of this being when individuals learn that their social group is unacceptable to society, they tend to perceive the out-group as unacceptable as well (Ford Tonander, 1998). Haslam (2001) has identified two types of strategies individuals use to boost their groups status: social conflict and social creativity. Social conflict refers to the in-group undermining the social status of the out-group. This can be done in a violent manner or by way of protests. Social creativity relates to the in-group emphasising group features which they flourish on, by way of advertising these strengths. Haslam (2001) argues that when the in-group does not feel at risk and feel their status is largely secure they will engage in social creativity rather than social conflict. However, when members of the in-group feel threatened they will readily engage in social conflict. A core principle of Social Identity Theory is that ones social identity is no t fixed and cannot predict ones behaviour. Instead, the context and the in-groups salience in the context decides which aspect of an individuals identity is influential in a situation. According to Social Identity Theory, individuals are more inclined to identify with a certain social group if they feel uncertain. Support for this claim comes from McGregor, Reeshma and So-Jin (2008). In their study, participants were required to describe personal conflicts which were caused by unresolved personal problems (uncertainty task). In an attempt to assess out-group derogation, Canadian participants read statements which were critical of Canada, written by a foreign person. The extent to which the Canadian participants disliked and disagreed with the foreigners statement was measured, providing an index of out-group derogation. Additionally, each participant completed a measure of structure requirement. McGregor, Reeshma and So-Jin (2008) found that individuals who sought structure and clar ity were more likely to show out-group derogation after completing the uncertainty task. However, this research used participants from a Western country the same results may not have been generated if Eastern participants took part in the study. The assumptions from these results cannot be generalised to people from different cultures. It can be argued that Social Identity Theory is effective in its claim that people have a biased perception of their own social group compared to other groups, that is, explaining in-group bias. Evidence of this can be seen in the results of Mullen, Brown and Smiths (1992) study into the in-group bias hypothesis. Further support of the claim that identity processes underlie the in-group bias is a report illustrating that members of a social group have higher self-esteem after engaging in discriminatory behaviour (Rubin Hewstone, 1998). Rubin and Hewstone (1998) demonstrate that people show an intergroup distinction to feel good about themselves and the social group which they identify with (Brown, 2000). Brown, Maras, Masser, Vivian and Hewstone (2001) observed that English passengers on a ferry had been refused travel by the actions of French fishermen the out-group and so displayed generally less favourable attitudes towards French people. This supports Social Identity Theorys social comparison concept, in that the English passengers identified so strongly with their national group that they viewed the French in a negative light which in turn, resulted in them retaining their self-esteem. However, Social Identity Theory does have a number of issues which have proved problematic when trying to account for group influence. The theory assumes that a positive social identity is based on positive intergroup comparisons (Brown, 2000). It does make sense to assume that there should be a positive correlation between the strength of group identification and the level of in-group bias. This hypothesis has been tested over the years and still remains of interest to psychologists worldwide (Brown, 2000). Subsequent psychological studies investigating this correlation have shown little support for Social Identity Theory. According to Brown (2000), 14 studies were analysed and the overall correlation between group identification and in-group bias was +0.08, and while 64% of correlations were positive, the mean correlation was not very strong (+0.24). It can be argued, however, that this correlation hypothesis was not actually stated by Tajfel and Turner (1979) when they were develo ping the Social Identity Theory. It is clear from Social Identity Theory that people are motivated to have an in-group bias by the need to see themselves, and the group they identify, within a positive light. Thus, it can be assumed there is a causal link between intergroup distinction and self-esteem. Abrams and Hogg (1988) summarised this concept positive in-group differentiation leads to increased self-esteem and people with low self-esteem show more differentiation in order to boost levels of self-esteem. Social Identity Theory is essentially a theory relating to group differentiation, that is, how members of a specific in-group make this group distinctive from, and better than, an out-group. Therefore, groups which see themselves as similar should be keen to show intergroup differentiation (Brown, 1984). This hypothesis has been tested vigorously over the years with different results. Some studies have generated results which contradict Social Identity Theorys hypothesis Jett en, Spears and Manstead (1996) found that groups that viewed themselves to hold similar attitudes and equivalent status showed more intergroup attraction and less bias then dissimilar groups (Brown, 2000). However, some studies support Social Identity Theory as they have found that intergroup similarity does lead to intergroup differentiation especially if both groups are extremely similar (White Langer, 1999). The concept of social identity as described by Social Identity Theory could be altered by way of having a greater greater acknowledgement of the diversity of social groups that can represent ones social identity. Self-Categorisation Theory also focuses on the concept of intergroup differentiation as a function of identity (TaÃ…Å ¸demir, 2011). Self-Categorisation Theory is seen as a cognitive theory of behaviour within intergroup contexts and offers explanations about the cognitive processes underlying an individuals self-categorisation and intergroup differentiation processes (Turner, 1999). The theory is seen to be a more elaborate, extended version of the original Social Identity Theory (TaÃ…Å ¸demir, 2011). Turner et al. (1987) argue that Self-Categorisation Theory deals with the social-cognitive basis of intergroup behaviour. Self-Categorisation Theory explains how people form a self-identity in terms of the social categories which they belong to. This also leads to people discriminating between their own category members and people in other categories. The meta-contrast principle explains this process. The meta-contrast principle explains that any number of individuals in a cert ain situation are likely to categorise themselves as a social group when they view differences amongst each other less than the differences between themselves and others in the same situation (Turner, 1985). For that reason, when inter-group differences are more stark than intra-group differences (high meta-contrast ratio), it is believed that people define themselves based on their membership of social groups and they differentiate between the in-group and out-group (Turner, Oakes, Haslam McGarty, 1994). Self-Categorisation Theory states that when individuals identify with a social group, they experience depersonalisation. That is, they perceive every member of their group as interchangeable on a certain level (Turner et al., 1957). Self-categorisation cognitively assimilates the individual to the in-group prototype and so depersonalises self-conception (Hogg and Terry, 2001). Therefore, it is assumed that each group member, including the individual themselves, share the same valu es and morals and so they tend to adhere to group norms (Hogg and Reid, 2006). According to Hogg and Terry (2001), this transformation of self-identity is the process which underlies group phenomena as it brings self-identification in line with the relevant in-group prototype in a certain context. Many psychologists, such as Simon (2004) and Deaux (1993) have challenged this assumption of depersonalisation. A study was conducted by Swann, Gomez, Seyle, Morales and Huici (200) who found a contradiction to the assumption of depersonalisation. In their study, individuals who felt their personal and social identities were linked did not adhere to the norms of the in-group. Instead, they engaged in rebellious behaviour to protect their group even when their identity was threatened. Self-Categorisation Theory promotes the idea that when people self-categorise themselves, they tend to think of themselves more as a member of a social group, rather than as individuals. This includes them bel ieving that they share the same characteristics associated with their group and they behave in ways that they feel members of their group should act. This process is called self-stereotyping (Mackie, Smith and Ray, 2008). As result of this, self-categorisation increases similarity in the in-group. This is because every member of the social group takes on attributes which are seen as characteristic of the group and so every member develops identical qualities. One could argue, therefore, that Self-Categorisation Theory provides an insight into the fact that the group has become part of ones self. Support of this comes from a study by Smith and Henry (1996) who found that group members perceive themselves as like their social group. Although both theories, Self Identity Theory and Self-Categorisation Theory, are different, one could ague that they are similar to an extent. This is because both theories explore how identities are internalised and are used by individuals to define themselves. However, there are several differences between Social Identity Theory and Self-Categorisation Theory and the way in which they account for group influence. Self-Categorisation Theory focuses more on the cognitive processes of categorisation in a social context whereas Social Identity Theory offers a more discursive approach. Discursive psychologists have been critical of Social Identity Theory over the years. They criticise the theorys assumption that group conflict and differentiation is caused by a worldwide psychological process. Additionally, they feel that the theory is limited as it does not have ecological validity since much of the research into the theory is conducted in Western cultures. There has been an intercultu ral study conducted by Wetherell (1996) who found that children who come from other cultural backgrounds do not discriminate between groups, unlike North American children. Self-Categorisation Theory does not place as much emphasis on the role of self-esteem, unlike Social Identity Theory. Social Identity Theory emphasises the process of self-categorisation into a group and Self-Categorisation Theory emphasises the process of self-stereotyping and identifying oneself based on a social group. According to Taylor and Moghaddam (1994), Self-Categorisation Theory ignores socio-structural factors and is devoid of the passion involved in real-life conflicts. The theory describes humans in the image of thinking machines. Therefore, one contrast between Social Identity Theory and Self-Categorisation Theory is that the latter can be criticised for not paying enough attention to motivational and affective issues. One flaw of Self-Categorisation Theory is that it concentrates on identity forma tion in adults but no attention has been given to the development of identity in infants. There has however been research into this, using the main principles of Self-Categorisation Theory and applying it to children (Barrett, Wilson and Lyons, 1999). One could therefore argue that Self-Categorisation Theory is not efficient when it comes to explaining group influence on children. A success of Social Identity Theory is that other psychologists have used its principles in an attempt to explain extremist social movements. Reicher, Haslam and Rath (2008) explained how the ideas promoted by Social Identity Theory were able to explain Nazism. In conclusion, it is clear that both theories share similarities, but there are also a number of differences between the two. Self-Categorisation Theory has a more cognitive approach to group influence whereas Social Identity Theory has a more discursive approach. Further research into Social Identity Theory could involve people from Eastern countries to give the theory more ecological validity as currently, the majority of studies have used Western participants. Self-categorisation theory focuses too much on the formation of identity and group influence in adults and so more research could be done on children to see if the same assumptions apply.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Julius Caesar - Theme Of Friendship :: essays research papers

Friendship is a wonderful part of life, but it can unfortunately be used to deceive, for it is easy to manipulate with it, but only true friendship cannot be defeated, even after death. This element could well likely be the very thing that had sealed the fate of Julius Caesar, and Brutus, Cassius, and all the other conspirators knew that they could use this to their advantage, and to Caesar’s disadvantage. Friendship, was what the conspirators used as a cover to blind Caesar from the truth, just as a hunter uses camouflage to keep the animals from seeing what he is up to. The conspirators also used camouflage, but they used flattery along with manipulation as a way to soothe any feelings of doubt that Caesar may have had about their sincerity. These essentials would gain trust, which is the key to all friendships. This trust would be lost and transform into betrayal, with the murder of Caesar. Even though Caesar was plotted against and murdered by Brutus and Cassius, friendship still proved a strong theme because it would falsify the conspirators intents. Caesar was susceptible to the power of friendship just as any normal person would be and his friendship for the conspirators unfortunately blinded him until Brutus’s final blow, by which time it was too late for him. An example of how the conspirators used their friendship with Caesar against him was when Decius, who is one of the conspirators, came to the house of Caesar on the Ides of March. The first thing that Decius says when he walks into Caesar's house is "Caesar, all hail! Good morrow, worthy Caesar."(2.2. 58-59) Decius also referred to Caesar as "most mighty". This only made Caesar become more comfortable with Decius, and trust him all the more. The conspirators had already decided how and when they would kill Caesar, and Brutus, Cassius, along with Decius, knew they had to lure Caesar close. They had an advantage at this because they knew that all they would have to do was prove to Caesar that they had a good, solid friendship, and this would help their situation and leave Caesar completely sightless to the fact that his situation had grown dire. So they decided to use their friendship with Caesar in a horribly deceptive manner, effectively, in order to kill him. Decius managed to start this off well by using flattery and quick wit in order to trick Caesar into going to the senate house, despite the fact that Caesars wife, Calpurnia had dreams of Caesars murder the night before. Julius Caesar - Theme Of Friendship :: essays research papers Friendship is a wonderful part of life, but it can unfortunately be used to deceive, for it is easy to manipulate with it, but only true friendship cannot be defeated, even after death. This element could well likely be the very thing that had sealed the fate of Julius Caesar, and Brutus, Cassius, and all the other conspirators knew that they could use this to their advantage, and to Caesar’s disadvantage. Friendship, was what the conspirators used as a cover to blind Caesar from the truth, just as a hunter uses camouflage to keep the animals from seeing what he is up to. The conspirators also used camouflage, but they used flattery along with manipulation as a way to soothe any feelings of doubt that Caesar may have had about their sincerity. These essentials would gain trust, which is the key to all friendships. This trust would be lost and transform into betrayal, with the murder of Caesar. Even though Caesar was plotted against and murdered by Brutus and Cassius, friendship still proved a strong theme because it would falsify the conspirators intents. Caesar was susceptible to the power of friendship just as any normal person would be and his friendship for the conspirators unfortunately blinded him until Brutus’s final blow, by which time it was too late for him. An example of how the conspirators used their friendship with Caesar against him was when Decius, who is one of the conspirators, came to the house of Caesar on the Ides of March. The first thing that Decius says when he walks into Caesar's house is "Caesar, all hail! Good morrow, worthy Caesar."(2.2. 58-59) Decius also referred to Caesar as "most mighty". This only made Caesar become more comfortable with Decius, and trust him all the more. The conspirators had already decided how and when they would kill Caesar, and Brutus, Cassius, along with Decius, knew they had to lure Caesar close. They had an advantage at this because they knew that all they would have to do was prove to Caesar that they had a good, solid friendship, and this would help their situation and leave Caesar completely sightless to the fact that his situation had grown dire. So they decided to use their friendship with Caesar in a horribly deceptive manner, effectively, in order to kill him. Decius managed to start this off well by using flattery and quick wit in order to trick Caesar into going to the senate house, despite the fact that Caesars wife, Calpurnia had dreams of Caesars murder the night before.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Audit Engagement Essay examples -- essays research papers

Subject: Assessment of Exton Industries, Inc. Dear Ms. Johnson:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I have recently reviewed the Control Environment Questionnaire for Exton Industries, Inc. After evaluating the evidence collected by our staff member, I have come up with an assessment of the fraud risks. From the evidence gathered, I have concluded that Exton Industries has a weak control environment. Overall, it will not do an effective job of preventing fraudulent activities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While evaluating Exton Industries, I had to consider how the control environment would prevent misstatements arising from misappropriation of assets and fraudulent financial reporting.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The controller, CFO, and CEO review all financial reports before releasing them. Another area to consider was the assignment of authority and responsibility. Because three different people review the financial reports, it’s easier to identify any mistakes that may have been made which in turn reduces the chances of misappropriation in fraudulent reporting. Through conversation with employees it was noted that proper responsibility and delegation of authority were assigned and the proper information appeared to be considered in developing responsibilities. Written job descriptions and standards also exist. Since proper responsibility and delegation of authority and written job descriptions and standards exist the, the chances of fraudulent activities are reduced. Other issues to consider were management’s commitment to competence and human resource policies and procedures. During the hiring process, management makes sure the potential employee possesses the proper knowledge and skills to carry out the job adequately. Upon hiring, the new employee is made aware of his or her responsibilities and management’s expectations of them. In addition supervisors conduct annual reviews. The company’s previous success also shows that employees have the required skills and knowledge. Discussions with employees indicated that they are made aware of the consequences if they perform ineffectively and/or do not fulfill their responsibilities. Exton Industries has effective controls in their commitment to competence and human resource department’s hiring and review process. Overall, the control environment of the board of directors and audit committee will p... ...ast year several employees have left on short notice and there has been difficulty in retaining key personnel. The new management team is probably worried about getting profits up and by using an aggressive approach there may be more errors because financial statements may not checked as thoroughly. The cause of the high turnover rate should be investigated, employees may be leaving because others are committing fraudulent behavior and they do not want to get involved. Management may be encouraging this or may not see it because they are too worried about making the company look profitable. Lastly, there were failures to protect valuable assets, which could lead to misappropriation of assets. In conclusion, I found that Exton Industries has some internal controls that will prevent fraudulent financial reporting and misappropriation of assets however, they are lacking effective internal controls as well. As a result of Exton Industries having weak internal controls, control risk is increased and the audit team will need to choose higher control risk strategies. If controls in the areas lacking are not improved the control environment will fail to protect future fraudulent acts.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Mythology and Archetypes in Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird Essay

Mythology and Archetypes in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird      Ã‚  Ã‚   Of all the various approaches to criticism, the Mythological/Archetypal achieves the greatest impact over the entire literary scope, because the themes and patterns unearthed apply universally to all works, yielding results that can be applied to a great many texts. This is because the very nature of the Mythological/Archetypal approach is the exploration of the canon for widespread and pervading symbols, plots, and characters. These are all greatly extant in Harper Lee's classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird, an extraordinary examination of the Depression-era South through the eyes of a young girl with rare intelligence and insight, living in a small town which is filled with these archetypal images. To Kill a Mockingbird, when approached from the Mythological/Archetypal viewpoint, is a prime example of the three primary elements that the method of criticism inspects: universality in character, symbol, and plot.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Universal characters in To Kill a Mockingbird are present, and well documented. For example, Jem and Scout embody the ideals of youth and the naivety of innocence, while Tom Robinson with his withered arm symbolizes the crippled powerlessness of the black community.      Ã‚  Ã‚   The scene where Tom is revealed to be physically handicapped is particularly strong:       Tom Robinson's powerful shoulders rippled under his thin shirt. He rose to his feet  Ã‚   and stood with his right hand on the back of his chair. He looked oddly off  Ã‚   balance, but it was not from the way he was standing. His left arm was fully twelve  Ã‚   inches shorter than his right, and hung dead at his side. It ended in a small shriveled  Ã‚   han... ...d proves to be a novel rich in allusions to other characters, symbols, and plots in the literature.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Work Cited Anglin, Laura. "Allusory Justice: Ramblings in a Mythogenic Zone." May 5, 2000.   http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Culture/HarperLee/laura.html Bruccoli, Matthew J., ed.   The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald. New York: Scribners, 1989. Johnson, Claudia Durst. To Kill A Mockingbird: Threatening Boundaries. New York: Twain,   1994. ---. Understanding To Kill A Mockingbird: A Student Casebook to Issues,   Sources and Historical Documents. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1994 Lee, Harper. To Kill A Mockingbird. Philadelphia: Harper & Row, 1960. Margaritopoulou, Cleopatra. "Symbolism and Allegory in To Kill A Mockingbird." May 5, 2000.   http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Culture/HarperLee/cleo.html   Ã‚  

Monday, September 16, 2019

English Literature, the Secret Life of Sir Walter Mitty-James Thurber

Secret Life of Walter Mitty- James Thurber By P. Baburaj, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of English, Sherubtse college, Bhutan Author of: Language and writing, DSB Publication Thimphu Communicative English, P. K. Books, Calicut A perception on Literary Criticism, P. K. Books, Calicut   -A popular American writer, humourist and cartoonist. -A classical story. -Traditional realistic fiction. -A third person narration. Mixture of fantasy and realism. -Can be called a best example of magical realism. -Explores the concept of the â€Å"American Dream†. -Introduces an average American male namely Mr. Mitty. Average Americans try to escape from the world of reality and â€Å"try to live in the world of fantasy†. To make life a successful one, one should keep a balance between reality and fantasy. It is difficult to live always in the world of reality and also it will be impracticable to fly always from the world of reality and resort always there in fantasy.As Robert Frost said in h is eminent poem â€Å"Birches† one should be a swinger of the Birches therefore keep balance between reality and fantasy. Otherwise life will be painful and will be a total failure. Day dreams are equal to Mitty, Mitty escapes from his mundane life (dull and uninteresting) by resorting to elaborate fantasies. The name Walter Mitty has become synonymous for day dreams. Mitty becomes a symbol for a person who enriches his private life with dynamic day dreams while working or while listening to every day conversations. Story focuses on escapism from mundane life into the world of fantasies.The theme of success and failures in life is examined through Mitty? s inability to live an external life, which results in going back to an internal life full of dangers and heroism. -Stereotypical male and female roles. Mrs. Mitty appears as a practical woman (women are more practical than men in America). This aspect of women? s character is established in the story. Man has become weak ine ffectual and overly in aggressive. 1. Five day dreams of Mitty. 1. In the first day dream, which comes in the outset of the story Mitty is presented as the Pilot of US navy hydroplane. 2.In the Second day dream, Mitty is a wonderful doctor performing a serious surgery (appears as a world famous author of a medical book titled â€Å"Streptothricosis†). -An expert mechanic to solve any problem within no time. -Even not worried when he hears from the team of doctors that „A coreopsis? is formed on Mr. McMillan the patient. 3. In the third day dream Mitty is presented as a sharp shooter, a cool assassin, a convict who faces a great trail. 4. In the fourth day dream, Mitty is presented as a Royal Air force pilot -volunteering for a suicide mission to the ammunition dump and proudly says ?We have only one life?. 5 In the fifth day dream, Mitty is presented as an eminent soldier fearlessly facing a firing squad –inscrutable, disdain and proud to the last. 2. -Five trigg ers that stimulate Mr. Mitty. 1. Mitty? s speed of the car above 55 km/phr. 2. Mrs. Mitty? s reference about Dr. Renshaw; hospital, Mrs. Mitty? s enquiry about „? gloves. 3. Newspaper boy shouting at the top of his voice about the water Bury trail. 4. â€Å"Liberty† magazine with glossy pictures of war. 5. Smoke goes up from the cigarette. 3. Mitty brought back into reality by1. His wife? s timely intervene when Mr.Mitty was driving his car above 55km/phr speed (Mitty was in hydroplane). 2. Parking -lot attendant warns Mitty when he is driving his car in wrong lane (Mitty was imagining he is a great doctor). 3. Sudden remembrance of â€Å"Puppy biscuits† (Mitty was in the imaginary scene of trail). 4. Mitty is brought back by his wife (Mitty imagines that he is a member of a suicide squad). Mitty with his wings of fantasy moves in the realms of fantasy-story ends here, story begins and ends in fantasy, so Mitty appears as an unchanged character. By P. Baburaj, Se nior Lecturer, Dept. of English, Sherubtse college, BhutanMitty is presented as an ineffectual person criticized and rebuked by others, he feels he is insulted by his inability to do things properly. His Failures in everyday life is just opposed by the extraordinary successes he plays out in his world of fantasy. His failure in real life and success in the world of fantasy are closely connected with gender role (sex roles) in modern America. The story reveals the lack of opportunities for men to perform meaningful, heroic actions in modern, suburban, middle class America. Men in modern America become weak and ineffectual in front of overly aggressive women.By the characterization of Mitty, James Thurber tries to criticize and mock the modern western ladies who dominate their husband in every walk of life. MITTY IN FANTASY v/sMitty in the world of reality. -He is a hero /heroic in action -Noble in action -Imaginative – An escapist -Man of forgetfulness – Weak/meek. -A s uperman /An extreme risk taker. -He always feels inferior. – Lacks competency -A man of decision. – Dependent. -A resourceful person. – feels sorry for everything. -Absent minded. -Giving orders. -Man of indecision waiting for orders. -Aware everything. -Even unable to park a car properly/chain properly. poor memory. -Not practical -Independent/ Never listens to others -Never mind the consequence. By P. Baburaj, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of English, Sherubtse college, Bhutan . -Powerful in flying Hydroplane. -Great author. – a great mechanic finds out fault within no time. -Bold in admitting. -Man of truthfulness. -A patriot ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of his country. -The theme of success and failure in life is evaluated through Mitty? s inability to live a successful material life, which results him to retreat to a life of fantasy full of images of conquests. Mitty is portrayed as an unaffected rebuked by others –He feels insulted by hi s inability to do things properly. -The failure of his everyday life is just opposed by the extraordinary success he plays in his fantasy life. -In reality Mitty is a man of poor or limited achievement. Mrs. Mitty -Always bully her husband. -Dominating wife. -Worried about Mitty? s health and even notices the small changes. -Always appear as an adviser. -Responsible wife. -Aggressive and short tempered. -Behaves in a rough and merciless manner. Climax -no climax, or no particular climax. since story presents with a story within the story no clear beginning or end. By P. Baburaj, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of English, Sherubtse college, Bhutan -action slowly rises and slowly falls throughout. -no change in Mitty? s character. -Mrs. Mitty is Mr. Mitty? s link to reality. She helps Mitty to avoid losing his grasp of everyday life. -Mitty? s day dreams are harmless but when he awakens he finds himself in anawkward position and finds difficulty to adjust with the reality. Conflicts Internal -Mitty in the real world V/s Mitty in the world of fantasy. External -Mitty v/s his wife. Mitty v/s society (especially his struggles to follow conventional social norms). Fantasy: -eightengined hydroplane is used in the first fantasy by Mitty. In utmost care of class 12 by P Baburaj -in thefirst fantasy ,Mrs. Mitty complains about the speed of the car. -crew members expressesMitty as great and brave and not afraid of hell (death). -Car was in 55km/hr speed. I -Mrs. Mitty went to do her hair done during Mitty? s second fantasy. -patient in second fantasy- Millionaire Wellington McMillan, the great Banker and friend of Roosevelt, famous American president. -team of doctors headed by Dr. Mitty –Dr.Renshaw, Dr. Benbow, Dr. Remington, and Dr. Pritchard Mitford. -Dr. Pritchard Mitford appreciates Mitty for his book on Streptothricosis. -Mitty puts a fountain pen instead of a faulty piston in order to repair the anaesthetizer. – Webley-Vickcrs 50-80 –the brand name of Mitty? s gun in the third fantasy. By P. Baburaj, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of English, Sherubtse college, Bhutan Meanings -Mitty- means –an ordinary, often an ineffectual person who indulges in fantastic day dream of personal triumphs. -Walt- someone who has aspiration to become a soldier, but posses none of the necessary personal qualities. Cocky- to be proud of one self. -A&P- name of a chain of grocery stores. Aupres de Ma Blonde- a song popular among the soldiers in world war I. -Cannonading –continuous firing of cannons. – Carburundum –a trade mark of abrasive chemical not something Mitty would actually need. -Obstreosis of the dual tract; meaningless medical Jargon invented by Mitty. -Streptothricosis- a sore on the skin, title of Mitty? s Book, medical Jargon misused by Mitty. -Overshoes –the shoes worn over another for protection. â€Å"I am going to take your temperature Mrs.Mitty implies that she is going to give a lesson after reaching h ome-this shows that Mrs. Mitty is a dominating and all powerful wife taking control over Mr. Mitty. -„To hell with the handkerchief ? -the courage of Mitty even in the face of great danger, he is powerful enough to face any firing squad without covering his face with his handkerchief. -Inscrutable to the last-it means in this context the mysterious nature of Mr. Mitty, real meaning is- it cannot be understood or known fully till the end. By P. Baburaj, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of English, Sherubtse college, Bhutan *********************

How do government bodies cater for sport development at grass roots level? Essay

How do sports bodies get people involved? The RFU was established in 1871 and now has approximately 200 member clubs; their mission statement can be found in (appendix 1). The RFU is affiliated to the IRB, the international rugby board. The IRB is the international governing body and law making body for rugby union they are responsible for the game at an international level see (appendix 2). There is also a European rugby union board called the FIRA-EAR who fund and organise various competitions across Europe including the under-19 world championships. There are also various associations such as the BARA, the British Asian rugby association. They aim to increase participation by encouraging people from the south Asian countries living in the U.K. to take part in rugby at all levels more information on BARA can be found in (appendix 3). There are roughly 2500 rugby union clubs in England but only 853 offer a youth programme. The RFU have 2 main schemes for encouraging participation at grassroots level. The main one is tag rugby which is a kind of mix of rugby league and rugby union which will develop into rugby union. The rules of tag rugby can be found in (appendix 4). The other RFU scheme to raise participation at grassroots level is, beach rugby. In the Bournemouth area there is an annual beach rugby tournament which is usually held by Boscombe pier, it is usually organised and run by Bournemouth’s sports development team, the RFU, leisure rugby and Oakmedians rugby football club. This is roughly the same game as tag ruby but it is played on the beach and can be played by people of all ages. Beach rugby rules and competitions can be found in (appendix 5). The RFU is committed to supporting the development of grassroots rugby. Over 5% of their annual income is given to help support grass-roots schemes. The breakdown of the estimated central government and lottery funding can be found in (appendix 6). The CCPR, which is the national alliance of governing and representative bodies of sport and recreation, will give the RFU à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½9.4 million for a three year project, how this will help grassroots participation and about the CCPR can be found in (appendix7). Tag rugby, which is the main way of increasing participation at grassroots level, has two main sponsors these are Ford and Sportsmatch, see (appendix 8). O2 the mobile phone network are a large sponsor of rugby in England, they are currently giving the RFU à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3 million a year in their latest sponsorship deal see (appendix9). There are many local clubs including Oakmedians and Bournemouth, a list of local clubs can be found in (appendix 10). Bournemouth are the largest and most successful club in the area and information about them and there sponsors can be found in (appendix 11). The path from starting playing rugby to playing for your country is sometimes a confusing one, but the basic outline is consists of: Tag rugby will be ware a young player starts they can either start by joining a rugby club, playing at a local leisure centre or by playing at school. This will then progress into a contact game with different numbers of players until it is built into a 15 a-side game, all of these games can still be played at rugby clubs and at schools. Then a player can play for their county for example Dorset or Wiltshire. The next step is to play for a region for example the south west. The next step is to hopefully be invited to attend an England youth trial, the most successful players will be fast-tracked to the team England Academy; from there the players will possibly enter into the England teams and possibly the final England squad. There are many other pathways to the England squad; these and a more in depth look at the pathways to elitism can be found in (appendix 12). Women’s rugby started in 1983 and is growing fast, there are now over 8000 players in England and the RFUW is the national governing body for this sport in England. Out of the 2439 rugby union clubs in England just 956 have a women’s section. More information about all aspects of women’s rugby is in (appendix 13). In wheelchair rugby the game takes place on a regular basketball court using volleyball, for about the rules and how it is played can be found in (appendix 14). GBWR, great British wheelchair rugby, is a not for profit charity that has been going for 20 years for the fast growing sport of wheelchair rugby. Their objective is to develop a fully inclusive sport, enabling players to achieve and reach their full potential regardless of financial status or disability. For more details about funding of the GBWR see (appendix 15). The RFU’s grassroots schemes are working fairly well as there are a large amount of young people playing tag rugby that are then filtering through to the higher stages of the game. This is seen in the success of the England team in recent years in both winning the world cup in 2003 and reaching the final in 2007. however out of nearly 2500 clubs in England only 853 have a youth section, this shows that although the young players are playing rugby there are not as many as many would like to see.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Nascar’s Racing Team Essay

How does Trader Joe’s design jobs for increased job satisfaction and higher performance? Trader Joe’s give its appreciation for its employees to increase job satisfaction and higher performance. They puts its money where its mouth is. The starting benefits at Trader Joe’s include medical, dental, and vision insurance, company paid retirement, paid vacation and a 10% employee discount. â€Å"Trader Joe’s compensate workers well. The core of this allegiance is a wage and benefits package that is typically far more competitive than that of most companies in the supermarket industry. Wages may attract high-quality employees, but wages are not necessarily the reason they remain loyal, as any human resources expert can attest. Employees stay because Trader Joe’s has created a culture of success: an environment in which everyone does the same job at one time or another and a place where people’s opinions are respected and talents are nurtured. â€Å"(Excerpted from Trader Joe’s Adventure, by Len Lewis) 1. How does Trader Joe’s design jobs for increased job satisfaction and higher performance? â€Å"Trader Joe’s has designed jobs to increase job satisfaction by showing appreciation in providing more benefits to their employees than other chain grocers. They provide starting benefits including medical, dental, and vision insurance, company-paid retirement, paid vacation, and a 10% employee discount, Pg. w-100. † Traders Joes also recruits people with certain personality traits that the company wants in their stores. They are able to enrich their employees with knowledge of their products that they are selling, as well as inducing customer involvements. As a result, they are able to have higher job performance because they are able to train and nurture their employees to have the same values and philosophy as the company, as well as granting supreme employee benefits. 2. In what ways does Trader Joe’s demonstrate the importance of each responsibility in the management process planning, organizing, leading, and controlling? There are several ways to demonstrate the importance of each responsibility. First, the buyers will travel all over the world to search the great foods and buying direct from the producer to lower the costs. Second, Trader Joe’s carry only 1500-2000 products so that the customer are easy to choose. Third, Trader Joe’s managers are hired only from within the company. The future leaders should be enroll in training programs such as Trader Joe’s university the foster in them the loyalty necessary to run stores. Fourth, when something happen, Trader Joe’s will quick to respond and post their action alerts on their web site. 2. In what ways does Trader Joe’s demonstrate the importance of each responsibility in the management process–planning, organizing, leading and controlling? For Trader Joe’s, they are able to demonstrate the importance of each responsibility in the management process by establishing a plan to serve quality products with natural ingredients, inspiring flavors, and buying direct from the producer whenever possible, pg. w-99. They also organize their stores to limit its stock, carrying about 1,500 to 2,000 products compared to retail mega-markets with 25,000 to 45,000 products. Through leading, Trader Joe’s support their future leaders by hiring managers only from within the company. Future leaders enroll in training programs called, Trader Joe’s University that foster in them the loyalty necessary to run stores according to both company and customer expectations, pg. w-100. Lastly, Trader Joe demonstrated the responsibility in controlling by placing standards to sell natural based ingredient products, as well as striving to offer the highest quality type foods. 3. Describe the methods that show Trader Joe’s knows the importance of human capital? Since Trader Joe’s makes such an effort to acquire qualified personnel they strive to retain their employees. Trader Joe’s is aware that retaining responsible, knowledgeable, and friendly employees will be significant to the customer service they provide. 4. Explain the value chain as it pertains to Trader Joe’s? In my opinion the value chain at Trader Joe’s begins with its employees and the methods utilized by Trader Joe’s to make them good at providing excellent customer service. â€Å"Employees are encourage to taste and learn about the product† this results in employees who are able to share their experience and expertise of the products they are selling to the consumer. Creating a helpful and customer service environment, which consumers appreciate. 5. 1. It has an extremely loyal following; it’s almost gone beyond being cult,† said Tod Marks, senior project editor for Consumer Reports. â€Å"Trader Joe’s is not conventional by any means, in terms of product mix. † With shelves stocked with unusual store brand items, like cookie butter, Thai lime and chili cashews and wasabi roasted seaweed snacks, Sue Forsyth, a 64-year-old from Brighton, said shopping at Trader Joe’s is â€Å"like an adventure. The food options are really unique,† said Brielle Berman, a 22-year-old Rochester resident. â€Å"I just picked up a bag of coconut chips. Where else are you going to find coconut chips? † Additionally, Marks, who conducted a survey last year of the leading 52 supermarket chains in the country, said Trader Joe’s is affordable and provides top-notch service. â€Å"They are very efficient operators and one of the best stores that offer the best prices,† he said. â€Å"They do a good job. Not many supermarkets are better. † 2. The magic is that Trader Joe’s focuses on Quality rather than Quantity. By carrying fewer items TJ tries to make sure that each of the product they do carry on their shelves is a Quality product and meets up to it’s standards. Also buy having fewer items it’s able to negotiate better prices from the suppliers and thus passes it on to the customer. On average I find TJ to be much cheaper than Whole Foods but the quality is the Benchmark for all to follow. One the things I love at the TJ is the bakery section, they have fresh bread baked in everyday from a local baker. This means the money goes back to the community, lesser transport costs, freshest bread for the customer and decent prices. Not to mention the bread is free from High fructose corn syrup!! 3. To remain competitive in the future, organizations will need to abandon their ideas of information hoarding and embrace knowledge sharing. Competitive success will be based less on how strategically physical and financial resources are allocated, and more on how strategically intellectual capital is managed — from capturing, coding and disseminating information, to acquiring new competencies through training and development, and to re-engineering business processes. The move from an industrially-based economy to a knowledge or information-based one demands a top-notch knowledge management system to secure a competitive edge and a capacity for learning. An organization’s ability to quickly tap into wisdom gives it a competitive edge in the marketplace. As a result, knowledge is displacing capital, natural resources, and labor as the basic economic resource.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Alcohol With Charcoal As Substitute To Pentel Pen Inc Essay

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Whatever the researchers achieve in life, they are certainly the result of loving, affection, and caring people who have been through the years nurturing, realizing the dreams and aspiration. They are the people who have encouraged, bolster the self- confidence, and lift the spirit in times of confusion, helplessness, and vulnerability. They express kind words, extend a helping hand, lend ears, and believe the ability of the researcher as a person, and most of all as a student. They are indeed, the agent of the  researcher’s unfolding. This research would not be possible without the kind assistance and untiring support of good friends who shade strength in making this study a reality. Thus, the researchers wish to express deep gratitude to the wonderful and uncountable blessings of the Lord, throughout the writing of this research. Thanking the Lord for the sound mind and health bestowed to the researchers. Deepest gratitude to Miss Sharmaine teacher for her encouragement and guidance. Mrs. Grace G. Alutaya for giving constructive and valuable suggestions in improving the write-ups and content of the research. The researchers parents for the unconditional love and unwavering support. And to all the person who helped the researchers, a precious thanks and appreciations to all. ABSTRACT The project aimed to consider ink as charcoal, advantages and disadvantages of using charcoal as ink, and the effectiveness of the finish product to the commercial ink available in the market. The study launched made use of the descriptive- experimental method. The research done needed the following materials to made the experiment successful. Some materials needed were just accessible in the kitchen. Few of materials needed were recycled. Some tools needed were bought to ensure proper measurement of the product tested. The data gathered for the study charcoal as substitute to pentel pen ink are presented,analyzed and interpreted in this chapter. The study was conducted in the home of the research leader , Purok- 8, Cayutan, Cagniog, Surigao City Based on the findings, the three liquids such as water, kerosene and gasoline are not the best choice to be experimented when it comes to let an unused pentel ink reusable again. The researchers therefore recommend to use alcohol as best way to reuse again the pentel pen. APPROVAL SHEET This Investigatory Project entitled CHARCOAL AS SUBSTITUTE TO PENTEL PEN INK prepared and submitted by Klaus Steven Kinkel G. Alutaya, Jayford Guy-ab, Julie Ann Jumandos, Joshua Jordan Chua, Jaypaul Roma has been examined and is recommended for approval and acceptance for ORAL EXAMINATION. SHARMAINE GORGONIO Adviser _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PANEL OF EXAMINERS APPROVED by the committee on Oral Examination with the Grade of ___ on January 2011 ________________________Chairman ___________________  Member _________________ Member ACCEPTED in partial fulfillment of the requirements for SCIENCE III. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Pentel pen is very useful to everyone especially to students and teachers. Thus one of the main reason of the research team to arrived to this study is the usefulness to the researchers. The researchers find difficulty in choosing the product to be tested and to be experimented. The leader of the research team arrived to this kind of problem for the leader itself uses charcoal as substitute to liquefied petroleum gas in their home for cooking. And curiously had the idea to discover further, the uses of charcoal to our lives especially nowadays experiencing crisis. And out of curiosity, the research leader had an idea what if he could discover charcoal pentel pen ink substitute. And this will be proven as soon as experiments will be thoroughly done by the group. Review of Related Literature All natural wood charcoal has been used since 30,000 BC. Originally used in cave drawings, by 3,500 BC wood charcoal, was commonly used as a fuel  throughout Europe and Asia. The Egyptians used it in Iron smelting and in producing glass. It brought the world into the Bronze Age around 2,000 BC. By 500 BC woodland management was evident, thus guaranteeing the supply of the most influential fuel in history. Two thousand years ago, wood charcoal really took off. In AD 43-410, the Romans were coppicing on a truly grand scale (Coppicing is cutting a tree, typically old growth tree, to ground level. This 2  invigorates the plant, and the root system is directed to growing a number of new shoots. These shoots grow vigorously allowing for quicker and bountiful coppicing every 7 to 20 years). Wood charcoal was not only the fuel of choice at this time, but was also used in making tar for caulking and a thinner version is used in embalming. It was used in dyes, and as construction material in wet areas where rotting was an issue. During this period wood charcoal was also used in filtration and purification of liquids for the first time. From 1900 to present day, wood charcoal has been replaced as the fuel of choice to power the civilized world. Wood charcoal, however,finds a new importance in its uses in filtration and purification, horticulture, and animal feed, and pharmaceuticals, as well as its continued use in lesser-developed countries as a major and more healthful fuel source than wood and fossil fuels. In the other hand, according to Wikipedia, many ancient cultures around the world have independently discovered and formulated inks for the purposes of writing and drawing. The knowledge of the inks, their recipes and the techniques for their production comes from archaeological analysis or from written text itself. The history of Chinese inks can be traced back to the 12th century BC, with the utilization of natural plant (plant dyes), animal, and mineral inks based on such materials as graphite that were ground with water and applied with ink brushes. Evidence for the earliest Chinese inks, similar to modern inksticks, is around 256 BC in the end of the Warring States Period and produced using manual labour from soot and animal glue. 3  The India ink used in ancient India since at least the 4th century BC was called masi, and was made of burnt bones, tar, pitch, and other substances. Indian documents written in Kharosthi with ink have been unearthed in  Chinese Turkestan.The practice of writing with ink and a sharp pointed needle was common in early South India.[4] Several Jain sutras in India were compiled in ink.[5] In ancient Rome, atramentum was used. Not much was known about this ink because no one has used it in a long time. About 1,600 years ago, a popular ink recipe was created. The recipe was used for centuries. Iron salts, such as ferrous sulfate (made by treating iron with sulfuric acid), were mixed with tannin from gallnuts (they grow on trees) and a thickener. When first put to paper, this ink is bluish-black. Over time it fades to a dull brown.Scribes in medieval Europe (about AD 800 to 1500) wrote principally on parchment or vellum. One 12th century ink recipe called for hawthorn branches to be cut in the spring and left to dry. Then the bark was pounded from the branches and soaked in water for eight days. The water was boiled until it thickened and turned black. Wine was added during boiling. The ink was poured into special bags and hung in the sun. Once dried, the mixture was mixed with wine and iron salt over a fire to make the final ink. The reservoir pen, which may have been the first fountain pen, dates back to 953, when Ma’Ä d al-Mu’izz, the caliph of Egypt, demanded a pen that would not stain his hands or clothes, and was provided with a pen that held ink in a reservoir. 4 In the 15th century, a new type of ink had to be developed in Europe for the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg. Two types of ink were prevalent at the time: the Greek and Roman writing ink (soot, glue, and water) and the 12th century variety composed of ferrous sulfate, gall, gum, and water. Neither of these handwriting inks could adhere to printing surfaces without creating blurs. Eventually an oily, varnish-like ink made of soot, turpentine, and walnut oil was created specifically for the printing press. Up until a few years ago, consumers had very little interest in ink other than refills for their pens. Fountain pens became a novelty as the disposable ball point pen took over the market. The introduction of home computing led to home printing. Today, in developed nations, most residences and businesses have a printing capability. As a result, buying ink in the form of a printer cartridge has once again become a part of the day-to-day shopping experience, similar to buying a bo ttle of ink fifty years ago. Ink refilling services for printer cartridges are offered by large, official printing  companies as well as smaller, â€Å"unofficial† refill companies. Customers can often cut printing costs by using refill services from a refill company, or buying the new non-OEM (original equipment manufacturer) brands instead of refilling. The refilling of ink cartridges and the use of continuous ink supply systems for inkjet printers is very common in most countries, with the exception of the United States. As printer manufacturers control the type of competition that they allow on retail shelves to a great extent, devices to ease the use of refill inks are usually only available online. 5   Statement of the Problem This study sought to answer the following questions: a.Can Alcohol with charcoal be considered as ink? b.What are the advantages and disadvantages of using alcohol with charcoal as ink? c.Which is more effective the commercial ink or the alcohol with charcoal ink? Significance of the Study The researchers hope that the findings of this research and study will be a great interest and valuable usefulness to the following: Researchers. The result of this research and study will enable the researchers to present recommendations which will serve as basis for the effective way of using the said study. Students. To enable them to discover that charcoal as ink is helpful to a student to minimize buying commercial ink since this is expensive over the counter. Teachers. To enable the teachers to used this technique at home for their own satisfaction and practice cross cutting at home. Community.The result of this research and study will enable the community to maximize the use of charcoal as ink 6  instead of relying on commercial ink which are highly priced nowadays. Scope and Limitation This study focused on charcoal can be considered as ink, the advantages and disadvantages of using charcoal as ink, and the effectiveness of charcoal as ink compared to commercial ink in the market. Definition of Terms Charcoal – is the dark grey residue consisting of impure carbon obtained by removing water and other volatile constituents from animal and vegetation  substances. Ink -is a liquid that contains pigments and / or dyes and is used to color a surface to produce an image, text, or design. Ink is used for drawing and / or writing with a pen, brush or quill. Volatile- means changing or changeable Alcohol-is an organic compound in which the hydroxyl functional group (-OH) is bound to a carbon atom. In particular, this carbon center should be saturated, having single bonds to three other atoms. Ethyl -an ethyl group is an alkyl substituent derived from  ethane (C2H6). It has the formula –C2H5 and is very often abbreviated Et. Ethyl is used in the IUPAC nomenclature of organic chemistry for a saturated two-carbon moiety in a molecule, whilst the prefix â€Å"eth-† is used to indicate the presence of two carbon atoms in the molecule. 8 CHAPTER II METHODOLOGY Research Design The study launched made use of the descriptive- experimental method. In connection to the study the researchers find relevancy and appropriateness of the method since it involved the collection of the data, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the conditions that exist. A. Materials The research done need the following materials to made the experiment successful. Some materials needed were just accessible in the kitchen. Few of materials needed were recycled. Some tools needed were bought to ensure proper measurement of the product tested. Materials used: †¢Alcohols ( ethyl and rubbing) †¢Charcoal Tools used: †¢Mortar and pestle †¢Graduated cylinder †¢Funnel †¢Bowl, tissue paper/ rug †¢ 9 B. PROCEDURE The experiment made was done at a spacious room away from the children. The data gathered through experiment and evaluation. The study launched make used of the descriptive- experimental method. In connection to the study the researchers find relevancy and appropriateness of the method since it involved the collection of the data, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the conditions that exist. Procedures: B.1 Preparation of the Materials 1.1. Gather all materials in one place that is free from children. Occupy a spacious room in which no one will disturb your work. B.2 Preparation of the Powdered Charcoal 2.1. Pound the charcoal in a mortar with the pestle. Do it until the charcoal is very fine to touch. B.3 Testing of the Liquids 3.1. Try the charcoal to the two alcohol to be tested (rubbing & ethyl alcohol) B.4 Application of the two alcohols to Paper 4.1. Apply the pentel pen to a paper to test which of the two alcohols is effective. 10 B.5 Data Collection Tabulation Evaluation Conclusion Research is always part of being a student. Thus , the researchers preparean experiment through this processes. First, preparation of materials is done 11 Flowchart of Methodology Preparation of the materials Preparation of the Powdered Charcoal Testing of the alcohols Application of the two alcohols to Paper Data Collection Tabulation Evaluation Conclusion . 12 CHAPTER III RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The data gathered for the study charcoal as substitute to pentel pen ink are presented, analyzed and interpreted in this chapter. Table 1 Testing the alcohol with charcoal Liquid Trial 1 Trial 2 Charcoal with ethyl alcohol The researchers put 1  ½ tablespoon of charcoal to the unused pencil case with minimum amount of alcohol just above the amount of the charcoal and mixed. Pentel pen works as soon as it was tested to write on the bond paper.The researchers added 1 tablespoon of charcoal to determine whether  if there is difference when a bigger amount of charcoal be put to the alcohol, and it really worked. Charcoal with rubbing alcohol The researchers put 1  ½ tablespoon of charcoal to the unused pencil case with minimum amount of alcohol just above the amount of the charcoal and mixed. Pentel pen works as soon as it was tested to write on the bond paper. The researchers added 1 tablespoon of charcoal to determine whether if there is difference when a bigger amount of charcoal be put to the alcohol, and it really worked. The experiments showed that alcohol is a good liquid substance to be mixed with charcoal to be able to come up with a good output. 13 CHAPTER IV SUMMARY, FINDINGS, CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATION Summary The experiment was conducted to determine if alcohol with charcoal can be considered as ink, furthermore to know the disadvantages and advantages of using charcoal as ink and to be able to know which is more effective the commercial ink or the charcoal ink.` Findings Based on the above findings the three liquids; water, kerosene, and are not the best choice to be experimented when it comes to let an unused pentel ink reusable again. We recommend using alcohol as best way to reused again the pentel pen. In addition, alcohol and charcoal can help unused pentel pen work. And aside from the observation, the color of the ink did not change into black even if the charcoal itself is black. It still stayed as is. Conclusion Based on study conducted alcohol is the best liquid that reacted to charcoal. It is therefore summed up that among the four liquids experimented alcohol is really a good solution to be mixed with charcoal. 14 Recommendations 1.A study should be conducted thoroughly to test the effectiveness of the two alcohols to the unused pentel pen. 2.other recommended titles include: 2.1 Alcohol as best first aid to pentel pen not working 2.2. Charcoal as substitute to shoe polisher 2.3 Charcoal as substitute to crayons REFERENCES http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ink http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charcoal_(color) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charcoal_(typeface) http://www.emedicinehealth.com/activated_charcoal/article_em.htm

Friday, September 13, 2019

Self reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Self reflection - Essay Example I observed that choosing the appropriate equipment for would care and explaining the necessity of such a task to the patients took a long time but interesting. It is quite helpful to be aware of the determinants of health as far as the 3EB patients are concerned: I spend some time identifying the socio-economic factors that may affect the quality of nursing treatment they received. I also looked at their physical environments and their personality/characteristics in order to determine the appropriate nursing attention that would be of utmost usefulness to them. I worked hard on my communication skill as I gently prodded the patients to voice out their concerns. I was able to achieve some success in this regard because I showed absolute interest in the patients and expressed my willingness to help them by actively listening to their health-related complaints (Thomas & Pollio, 2002). I adjusted my tone to the patients’ so as to win their hearts and trust. In the course of this process, I was able to quickly pass their requirements to other health officials that were directly connected to their treatment. I realized that the individual factors could either hinder or assist the smooth application of clinical treatment on the patients (Thomas & Pollio, 2002). If I have decided to be selfish and uncaring, the patient would be reluctant to communicate with me. But since both the patient and I felt the individual responsibility to communicate meaningfully, it was possible to elicit vital information that would help the patient to recover. I reckoned that the bulk of nursing activities I carried out at 3 EB required that I first of all paid serious attention to the patients’ needs, and then mapped out my solutions to whatever health problems using my mini care plan. This involved collective action from both the patient and I: I was ready to help, and the patient was ready to be submissive to my care. I also learned about the importance of time management and

Thursday, September 12, 2019

How advertising may shift purchases between firms and industries Dissertation

How advertising may shift purchases between firms and industries - Dissertation Example persuasive advertising was conceptualised to modify, alter and twist consumers’ tastes. It warps the information that consumers receive, sometimes confusing them or worse, misleading them, making it very hard for them to make informed choices. As it is, basic consumer theory is founded on utility functions, and utility itself is characterised as the satisfaction drawn from the ownership of consumption goods and services. These goods are essential as they gratify the needs and wants of the individual. These physical and psychological needs are known as â€Å"preferences,† and these are believed to be given and to change slowly over time. Persuasive advertising is aimed at affecting and modifying consumers’ preferences. Economic literature is equally divided on the informative or persuasive nature of advertising. Marshall calls it, constructive advertising that is, these are â€Å"measures designed to draw attention to opportunities for buying and selling† and combative advertising which, according to Marshall, involves social wastes. The conventional notion of advertising exemplified in the writings of Kaldor, Bain, Galbraith, and Comanor and Wilson is predisposed to a negative stance of its expediency. The whole contention is that advertising plays a role in bending consumer preferences, whereby consumers are convinced and influenced to buy products that are heavily promoted, in consequence, there exist the exploitation of market power by charging higher prices for branded products.